Open House (FP7)

Benchmarking and mainstreaming building sustainability on the EU based on transparency and openness (open source and availability) policies from model to implementation.
Keywords building sustainability, assessment methodology, standardisation, green public procurement, lead market, sustainable construction, transparency
Funding Agency European Union
Project Type Integrated project
Reference FP7-ENV-2009-1
Objective To develop and implement a common European transparent building assessment methodology
Budget Total:


Duration February 2010 - February 2013
Web Site

OPEN HOUSE (OH) is an Integrated Project [1] launched and funded by the European Seventh Framework Program, under Theme 6: "Environment". This theme pertains in particular to climate change. OPEN HOUSE is a 3 year medium scale focused research project and relies on the contribution of 19 European partners located in 11 countries. The panel of partners includes non-profit institutes and foundations, research institutions, policy makers and businesses.


  1. ^ COM(2007) 860 final-“A lead market initiative for Europe"

External links